September 18, 2019




3:00 PM


As a reminder the AFEP September meeting and AGM will take place at Barclays (1 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HP) on Wednesday 18th September 2019.

At the meeting there will be an update on AFEP’s continuing professionalisation, as part of this we are recommending that Millie Richardson of Global Reach Partners is nominated as a Director of AFEP and this vote will take place as part of the AGM, after the update on AFEP’s strategy for 2020.

AFEP 2020 - Strategy & Changes for a changing regulatory environment. Annual General Meeting with above voting Safeguarding Panel – following the recent FCA work, this is a topic of huge focus and the panel will be leading experts on Safeguarding in FX De Quincey Bailey from the National Fraud Unit at HMRC.

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