AFEP are delighted to announce that Ian Collins from the Met Police Counter Terrorism Unit will be holding a 1 hour webinar for Front and Back office staff on counter terrorism operations.
This webinar will be particularly useful for Front Office staff (Sales and Dealing) to understand the implications of the work they do as well as those in your AML team. As it will be Certified Training, it will not only provide important context about how criminals use member firms to move money around the world to fund terrorism, but also count towards CPD requirements.
Many of you will remember Ian from the AFEP Member meeting last December when he gave an interesting, engaging insight into his work and the terrible consequences that are seen when things go wrong.
The webinar will be held on Wednesday 9th December from 3-4pm and members can invite as many individuals as they want from their front and/or back office. Given the sensitive nature of the content of his presentation, this session is only open to permanent employees of full member firms (APIs / EMIs or Banks) and individuals must join the zoom with their full name and this must be registered with me prior to the event. Unfortunately the Met have made this a requirement of doing the session, so if your name’s not down, you’re not coming in!
Please register for your place before Tuesday 8th December and I will circulate the link shortly before the session on Wednesday.